Chamber Member Benefits, Levels & Application
The Chamber is a great resource for businesses, residents, newcomers and visitors to find information on businesses and happenings in the area. We help our members grow their business by supporting and promoting them in many ways.

Call the Chamber office at 828-389-3704, email the Executive Director at or click on this link to download and then fill out an application to join the Chamber. To learn more about membership benefits and levels read below.
Office and Welcome Center in downtown Hayesville is open Monday-Friday to assist in person, on the phone or by email. Residents and visitors ask for recommendations for local businesses. We enthusiastically recommend Chamber members exclusively. We also provide a business card/brochure rack in the office.
Business Directory Members are listed in our Annual Business Directory and guide to the area. Members are listed alphabetically and by business category. 3,000 copies are distributed to members, residents, visitors, and newcomers.
Website Listing Our website provides a wealth of information on how to find a business, visitor info and things to do in the area. Members get a comprehensive business listing which puts you on the web and can include links to your website and Facebook page. Residents and visitors can find your business when they search for where to eat, shop, stay or any other business category.
Calendar Our website includes a comprehensive Events Calendar that provides the best listing of activities around the county. Members can submit events and happenings to be included, which is a great way to gain exposure for your business.
Facebook Many people follow or visit our page to find activities in the area. We post your events, promote your business and link to our website where your business is listed.
Events The Chamber sponsors events such as the Punkin Chunkin Festival, 4th of July Parade, Grillin’ and Chillin’ and annual Chamber Dinner. Members can get recognized at these events which are attended by thousands of people.
Radio Show: The Chamber Director broadcasts on WKRK radio each week, promoting our Chamber Members and Events. Call the Chamber if you are interested in promoting your busines on the radio.
Business after Hours: Once a month, a business/social meeting is hosted by the Chamber. It is a great networking activity attended by 40 – 50 chamber members. The business who has booked the meeting for the month can showcase their business to the other members.
Weekly Email: An “email blast” is sent to all Chamber members advising of upcoming events, advertisements from members and other information that might be valuable in promoting your business.
Membership Levels 2021
- Referrals from the Chamber/Welcome Center
- Listing in Annual Directory
- Website Listing; 4th priority; 1 category
- Brochure/Business Card Rack in the Welcome Center
- Promote events on Website Calendar, Chamber Facebook and Weekly Email
- Business After Hours Events
Bronze level benefits plus:
- Website listing; 3rd priority; 2 categories; can add photos and videos
Silver level benefits plus:
- Website listing; 2nd priority; 3 categories; can add photos and videos
- Announced at all Chamber Events
- Recognition in flyers and ads for Chamber Events
- Special recognition at Annual Banquet
- Recognized as Gold Member in Weekly Email
Gold level benefits plus:
- Website listing; 1st priority; 4 categories; can add photos and videos
- Recognized as Diamond Member in Weekly Email
- Name/Logo on Home page of Chamber website
- Signage at Chamber Events
- Listing in Event programs
- Must be non-profit or individual
- Website and Directory listing
Web listing includes Name, Address, Email, Phone, Business description, One logo/profile photo, Blog post, link to your Business website and Facebook page.