Membership Application
The Chamber is the first line of communication with visitors and newcomers. Your business missed all of these opportunities by not being a Chamber Member last year.
$1,100/yr Membership – Website listing with logo photo and website link on home page, first priority in web directory listing, four categories in business directory, recognized as diamond member business in weekly Constant Contacts, recognized monthly in Chamber article in the local paper, The Progress, and signage and announcements as Chamber events.
$550.00/yr Membership Fee – Banner at Chamber events, recognized in the Chambers monthly newspaper article, listing in Constant Contacts communication to the businesses, second place listing on the web site business directory, announced at Chamber events.
$275.00/yr Membership Fee –Website listing with one logo photo, third priority in web director listing – 2 categories in the directory.
$140.00 yr Membership Fee – Referrals from Chamber/Welcome Center, brochure/cards at the Welcome Center, promote events on the Website calendar, Chamber Facebook and weekly business newsletter, listing in paper directory, opportunities for advertising business, one listing in paper directory and web directory, invitation to the Business After Hours.
$85.00/yr Membership Fee – Must be non-profit(501c-3) or individual. Website and directory listing for organization, access to the main event calendar, opportunities to discount advertising, participate in business After Hours, receive weekly businesses communities Constant Contacts, access to Chamber Facebook.
Benefits Of Being A Chamber Member
BUSINESS DIRECTORY: As a Chamber Member, you are listed in our Annual Business Directory. Members are listed alphabetically and by business category. The Chamber distributes 5,000 copies to members, community members, visitors, and newcomers.
RADIO SHOW: Our Executive Director is on WCNG Radio each week promoting our Chamber Members and Events. If you are interested in promoting your event on the radio, please call the Chamber to schedule.
WEBSITE: As a Chamber Member, your company is included in a listing of businesses on our website. We have aggressively upgraded our website so that we may link your business website to ours. You may advertise your business on our website home page for a nominal fee.
FACEBOOK: We keep and updated Facebook for our members to inform the public about their events and specials.
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS: Once a month, a business/social meeting is held at one of the chamber businesses after hours. This is one of the great networking activities attended by 40 – 50 chamber members. You will be given the opportunity to talk about your business and update everyone on any activities you are anticipating. The business who has booked the BAH for the month has the opportunity to show the other members where and what their business is all about.
EMAIL BLAST: A weekly “email blast” is sent to all Chamber members that are part of our email network advising of upcoming events, advertisements from members and other information that might be valuable in promoting your business. The “blast” is usually sent out on Thursdays.
BUSINESS CARD/BROCHURE RACK: Members are encouraged to display their business card/brochure in the rack at the Chamber office. This makes your information available to anyone that visits the Chamber. We have added display shelves for any business that would like to bring in samples of their merchandise to display to visitors. Sometimes we can arrange to have visitors buy your wares as souvenirs of their trip to Hayesville.
EVENTS: Our Calendar of Events is a great tool for you, as a Chamber Member, to expose/tie your business into our community. Once becoming a Chamber Member, we encourage you to become involved in any one or more of these events. This Calendar is available on our website or at the Chamber Office.